Water Quality Management Plan

About the Program
Agricultural and silvicultural producers have the opportunity to develop and implement site specific water quality management plans in cooperation with local soil and water conservation districts. Certified Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) insures farming or ranching operations are carried out in a manner consistent with state water quality goals.

The Coastal Plains Soil Water Conservation District (SWCD) provides the technical assistance to develop the plan through agreements with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. After being approved by the Coastal Plains SWCD, the developed plan requires Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) approval.

Purpose of WQMP
• The purpose of a WQMP is to achieve a level of pollution prevention or abatement determined by TSSWCB, in consultation with local SWCD, that is consistent with state water quality standards

• The WQMP provides agricultural and silvicultural producers the opportunity to comply with state water quality laws through traditional, voluntary, incentive-based programs 

Steps to obtain a certified WQMP
• Producer signs Request for WQMP Assistance through local SWCD (form TSSWCB 001)

• Producer signs a District-Cooperator Agreement (form developed by SWCD)

• The local SWCD Board approves and signs Request for Planning Assistance

• The WQMP is developed by the SWCD, the NRCS, the TSSWCB, or a private consulting firm.

• The producer reviews the draft WQMP in consultation with a SWCD, a NRCS, or a TSSWCB representative. Producer signs the WQMP Certification sheet (form TSSWCB 004) with the understanding that when the planned Conservation Practices are applied and maintained, the WQMP will meet the State’s requirements for water quality. The producer is also agreeing to comply with the plan and implementation schedule and should realize that failure to comply will result in the loss of certification. The producer may have another party review and sign the WQMP certification sheet if a TSSWCB Power of Attorney form has been completed.

• A NRCS representative reviews the WQMP and signs the Certifications sheet (form TSSWCB 004) indicating that the draft WQMP meets the requirements of the NRCS Field Office Technical Guide requirements for a Resource Management System.

• The local SWCD Board reviews and signs the Certification sheet (form TSSWCB 004) indicating that the plan includes the entire operating unit and meet the Soil and Water Conservation District’s program, plan and its priorities.

• The TSSWCB WRO staff reviews the draft WQMP for final certification. The Wharton Regional Manager signs the WQMP Certification sheet (form TSSWCB 004) indicating the WQMP satisfies the State Board’s criteria; complies with Section 26.121 (a) (2) of the Water Code which prohibits the discharge of other waste (agriculture non-point source pollution), unless the discharge complies with the person’s Certified WQMP approved by the State Soil and Water Conservation Board provided by Section 201.026 of the Agriculture Code.

The Coastal Plains SWCD offers cost share on certified WQMP. Cost share assistance is available for:
• Irrigated cropland, such as land leveling, pipeline, precision land forming and tail water recovery.
• Dry land cropland, converting cropland into permanent pasture or range.
• Pasture, over seeding with legumes and brush management.
• Range, brush management.

For more information on this program, please contact the Coastal Plains SWCD at (281) 232-6898, extension 3 or the Wharton Regional Office at (979) 532-9496. 

CPSWCD Sponsors

Farm Bureau of
Ft. Bend County
  Damon Farm
& Ranch
  N.C. Pipe   Angleton
Feed & Supply
  Ft. Bend
Excavation, Inc.
Farm Credit


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